Reconciliation in Christ المصالحة في المسيح

A blog site dedicated to showing the world the reconciliation that God offers to us and between us through the blood of Christ--the blood He shed in love for us and for all nations, to make us one with Him, and one in Him, for eternity.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Silly Tonguetwisters

Many of you who know me have heard these, but I just wanted to immortalize these silly tonguetwisters in foreign languages that I created or helped create.

The first is, in Spanish:

"(Si tomo mate), toma mi tomate y te mato! Te bato con mi pato, vato!"

Which means:

"(If I drink mate), take my tomato and I'll kill you! I'll beat you with my duck, punk!"

The other one is thusly, in Arabic:

"Hal mishmish mish mishmishi." "Mish mishkili inu ilmishmish mish mishmishik, kili!"

Which means, "This apricot is not my apricot." "No problem that the apricot is not your apricot, eat!"

Of course, since they're tonguetwisters, it works better if you say it out loud fast.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Love is Patient

I was thinking about one of the scriptures in the last post, 1 Corinthians 13, where it says, "Love is patient." I never noticed before that patience is the first quality of love mentioned. It made me think of Psalm 130, where we are called to wait for the Lord:

I wait for the LORD, my soul waits,
and in his word I put my hope.
My soul waits for the Lord
more than watchmen wait for the morning,
more than watchmen wait for the morning.

O Israel, put your hope in the LORD,
for with the LORD is unfailing love
and with him is full redemption.
He himself will redeem Israel
from all their sins.

If I am called to love God, then I am called to wait for Him, in faith and expectation. If I get tired of waiting for God to move--in my family, in people I love who are running away from God, in my own heart and my own life--if I'm impatient with God, I'm not loving God. Love is patient. Love trusts in God, waits on God, hopes in God. Perhaps this is why Paul links faith, hope and love--to love God is to trust God; to love God is to hope in God.

Lord Jesus, please give me patience to wait for your redemption to come in this broken world. Help me to hope in you, to trust in you, to wait on you. Help me to love you. And may my love for you overflow to every relationship in my life.