Reconciliation in Christ المصالحة في المسيح

A blog site dedicated to showing the world the reconciliation that God offers to us and between us through the blood of Christ--the blood He shed in love for us and for all nations, to make us one with Him, and one in Him, for eternity.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

It--it was...Soap!!

ahlan ya aSHaabi,

Those whom I've talked to recently already know this I believe, but for others, I justed wanted to officially declare that I'll be returning to Boulder at the end of this semester to work with the Zambian Soap Company, through Horizons. I'm going to apply for a leave of absence from the University here in Arizona, so I can return next year (ie, spring 2007) if I decide to, but in the meantime I'm really excited to do Zambian soap stuff. :) For those who don't know what that is, my friend André Houssney has been working this year on a project in Zambia, where Horizons has some connections to churches. One church there was given a gift of some land from the local king in gratitude for their work in the community, and decided they wanted to use the land to raise money to send people to preach the gospel in other parts of Africa, the Middle East, and elsewhere. They e-mailed André, who looked into it and realized the most profitable use of the land would probably be to make soap and sell it in the US (and elsewhere, if the markets open up). He started experimenting making soap at home, and on his recent trip there with his wife Vanee they helped set up a lot of things, so that now the people in Zambia are already sending shipments of soap to Boulder. We'll be mostly marketing it to stores (especially organic-type stores & "natural," socially conscious-type stores), markets & fairs, churches, etc.

So, there's a lot to do, and I'm excited to do it! I believe I'll be mostly working on coordinating volunteers to market and sell the soap across the country, among other things (like writing a grant to the EU, for instance). So if anybody reading this wants to get involved, let me know! All of the profits will be going to the church in Zambia, who will then use it to train and send preachers. In addition, the production of soap will be (and already is) creating many jobs for the people in Zambia. So it's a very worthwhile and exciting project, bringing people across the world together for the glory of God.

I imagine I'll be working with Zambian soap for at least a while, perhaps a year or even longer. We'll see how God works things out. Anyway, while I'm sad to be leaving the people I love in Tucson (and I might be sad the first few freezing nights in Colorado!), I'm really excited to head back home, be with my parents and close to my sister's family, and working with my dear dear friends at Horizons (which is where the Zambian Soap Co. will work out of, at least until we expand into a large multinational corporation, with its own headquarters in Bermuda). ;) May the Lord bless our work and give us wisdom and love for Him throughout.

For Soap, and For the Future!


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