Reconciliation in Christ المصالحة في المسيح

A blog site dedicated to showing the world the reconciliation that God offers to us and between us through the blood of Christ--the blood He shed in love for us and for all nations, to make us one with Him, and one in Him, for eternity.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

I love my friend Zach

Hey folks,

I was just reading some stuff on my friend Zach Harris' webpage, and I just thought I'd put in a plug for those of you who haven't read some of his stuff (many of you have, I'm sure). Zach has always been a source of personal encouragement and intellectual challenge to me. I wouldn't say he's always right (he himself would say so, and the fact that his ideas change sometimes obviously show it), but he knows the Bible very well and God has gifted him with a lot of clear thinking about important (and often very challenging issues).

Anyway, enough advertisement. I would especially encourage you to read his article on secrecy in missions (; there's a longer version of the argument also on the page), on the "marriage incompatibility fallacy" (, and on our great need for transformation in order to engage in ministry in Muslim regions ( But by no means feel limited by this particular selection.

One point of my own before I head over to eat lunch prior to my Arab-Israeli Conflict test (y'atini al'aafiye). So much of what it means to follow Christ in the radical way we see pictured in Acts (esp. chs 2-4) involves Christian community. I may want to do crazy things for Jesus, I may want to give up my life and everything I am to serve God, but ultimately, God desires to show us His glory through the whole body of Christ, not just individual crazy hermit-dudes. (Not that I'm really a hermit of any kind.) We need each other; I find myself weaker when I'm on my own. Our American culture is so individualistically oriented, it's crazy to think that we might give up on certain dreams or ideas we have in order to live in community. But I would say that if we want to follow Jesus, and our dreams are focused on Him and the coming of His glorious kingdom on this earth, then we need to keep community as one of our first priorities.

Oh, may the grace of God come down on the Church, that we might open our hearts and homes and lives to each other in service and love and humility! Oh, may my heart be broken for the ways in which I and others fail to love our brothers and sisters in Jesus, fail to think of their needs as of greater importance than my own! May our lives reflect the unity that Jesus desires for His body--the same kind of unity that He has with the Father (so one you can't even explain it!!). Ven, Señor, y danos esta unidad en tí. Transforme nuestros corazones para que podamos amarnos el uno al otro así como nos amaste en la cruz.

For Jesus,



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