Reconciliation in Christ المصالحة في المسيح

A blog site dedicated to showing the world the reconciliation that God offers to us and between us through the blood of Christ--the blood He shed in love for us and for all nations, to make us one with Him, and one in Him, for eternity.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Kosova & Turkey

My friend Jason is in Prishtina, Kosova, working with the church there. He and some others are going to Turkey this weekend for an outreach trip; please pray that God would make their time fruitful for His kingdom, and that they would enjoy being with Turkish believers and others.

Also, the main church he's working with there (one I've visited a couple times, with absolutely beautiful people who love the Lord) wrote this letter, about their plans to build a new church. I'm almost always skeptical of the use of church buildings, but in this case I really think it's something that would bring glory to God. So, I just wanted to forward the message by putting it on here.

May God bless you all, and may His love always reign in your hearts.

A Big Step of Faith

On October 16, during our celebration of the 11th year anniversary of BUM, it was announced that our church had taken another historic step. We had officially begun the process of purchasing land for a new church building. The last few weeks that process has been completed and we are owners of a beautiful plot of land a little outside of Prishtina, next to the city park. We were blessed to find an owner sympathetic to the cause of the church and beautiful land at a great price. Yet with only half the amount needed to buy the building, it is even more a blessing of God that the owner graciously allowed us to pay half of the 100,000 Euros with the agreement that we would pay the rest in the next year. And thus we have taken a big step of faith, thanking God for the 52,000 Euros that he has provided through offerings and gifts and trusting him for 48,000 more in the next year.

Why is this such an exciting thing for us? Why is a building so important? There are a few reasons for our joy. First of all, in general, our church and the protestant community has been “A man without a house.” This Albanian expression describes a poor and miserable man and points to the importance of ownership and permanent residence in Balkan culture. This applies to churches as well. In a land with mosques lining the streets, Evangelical faith is often unnoticed or seen as a sect or underground faith. In a time when evangelicals are struggling for religious rights and acknowledgement by the government this is an important step. Secondly, and equally as important, our church has declared in faith that by our anniversary in 2007 we will be finally self-financed. For those of who know life in the Balkans and in general in the mission’s world, a self-sufficient church without the need of financial support from the west is a rare thing. Today, the biggest barrier for us as a church is the rent that we pay each month. If we would remove this we would be a small step away from self-sufficiency. This is an investment towards that goal of self-sufficiency and not only that but towards our church moving into position as a sender and helper of others in Kosova and the Muslim world.

Yet we face a challenge. With 48,000 Euros needed to complete the purchase we are looking to our Lord in faith. How will he provide? We wait for the answer in anticipation and hope. We thank God for how he has used you in the history of our church and we ask you to pray and consider if you would be part of God providing for this next step. If you would like to invest with us into this step of faith please contact us at this email or

Thank you again for your faithful support and prayer.

Bashkesia Ungjilore e Mesise
Prishtina, Kosova


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