Reconciliation in Christ المصالحة في المسيح

A blog site dedicated to showing the world the reconciliation that God offers to us and between us through the blood of Christ--the blood He shed in love for us and for all nations, to make us one with Him, and one in Him, for eternity.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Arizona or bust


So, after visiting Tucson and DC and lots of thinking and talking with people, I decided to go to the University of Arizona for grad school in Near Eastern Studies, with the intention of going to DC afterwards and getting a second degree in IR from SAIS (Johns Hopkins) or some other school. May the Lord guide, and bear fruit in my life wherever I am.

I'm excited to be going to Arizona, even though in certain ways DC would be more fun. Basically, I'll be able to study Arabic and history and other stuff for two years without having to pay for it (they've given me a full ride). That was probably the main reason I decided to go, since I figured I would be learning things I'd want to learn anyway, which would also strengthen my applications when I apply to study International Affairs stuff, and also my resume in finding cool jobs in development or conflict resolution or whatever down the road. So, I think it's the best thing. And I do really like Tucson--it's a very cool (well, hot) desert town, just 45 minutes from Mexico, lots of interesting cultural mix. Espero que pueda encontrar a gente que habla español allá--I already have met a few Arabic speakers there, though most of them think my Lebanese dialect is pretty weird. =)

Still looking for a job; had an interview today that was promising, but unfortunately they're looking for somebody longer term. I hope to find something soon. It was definitely a blessing last summer to have a job just a couple days after I got back from Lebanon.

God bless you all,



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