Reconciliation in Christ المصالحة في المسيح

A blog site dedicated to showing the world the reconciliation that God offers to us and between us through the blood of Christ--the blood He shed in love for us and for all nations, to make us one with Him, and one in Him, for eternity.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Thoughts on Jewish evangelism

I was referred by a friend to an article written by a Jewish believer in Jesus on the role of the Gentile in bringing the gospel to the Jewish people. It had a quote I wanted to present:

"A disconcertingly growing number of evangelicals who consider themselves to be friends of Israel have been satisfied with political and social support, often allying themselves with the more extreme elements of Israeli society. We all need to be reminded of the biblical priorities. Israel ensconced over all the Middle East, with the Palestinians at its feet, a temple in Jerusalem, and all the riches of the world available to it is still Israel in its sin, doomed to sin’s just rewards. Only through the gospel will Israel find what it truly needs: forgiveness of sins, a new heart with God’s law written on it and a right spirit."

Praise God! While I believe that it is God's commandment that we show friendship and love to the people of Israel (as well as to all other people on earth), we must not forget that ultimately, neither power nor wealth nor anything else will save us from sin--only the sovereign grace that God provides in Yeshua HaMeshiach. This critical lesson must always be applied to everyone in this conflict, including of course the Palestinians. An independent Palestinian state, with East Jerusalem as its capital, will not save the Palestinians from their sin. Ridding themselves of the occupying Israeli army, gaining the right of return, having their children out of jail--none of these things will save them from their sins. Just as we desire the best of God's blessings on the people of Israel, we must also desire God's blessings on the Palestinians--peace, freedom, prosperity, families living together on the land they call home. And we must do what we can to bless both Israelis and Palestinians in practical ways. But ultimately, we absolutely must not confuse practical, material blessings and support of either people with the spiritual food that is Christ Jesus, the bread of life for all people, whether Jew or Gentile, Israeli or Arab or anyone else.

Take time to read the rest of the article as well; I find it very thought-provoking. May the Lord shower down the riches of His grace upon the people of Israel, and bring them to the joy of repentance at the foot of the Crucified. May they also find the inexpressable joy of dying to oneself and finding new life in Jesus, the Anointed King of Israel.


PS There has been some trouble in the camps in Bethlehem around the Bible College in recent weeks, according to friends of mine there. Please continue to pray for the residents of the camp, the soldiers, and anyone else involved, that they would be brought to reconciliation, that those who seek peace would be protected from their oppressors, and that violent men would be convicted of their sins and turn to Jesus. And pray that people at the Bible College would speak words of truth and love to residents and soldiers alike.


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